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Travel Info

The Lord Byron Resort is located in the main street of Byron Bay. Close to the main beach and just a 5 minute walk to the shops and centre of town – but just far enough away from the hustle and bustle. 120 Jonson Street, Byron Bay NSW. Remember you...

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Splendour In The Grass

Splendour in the Grass is back again this year! The event will take place on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th July at the North Byron Parklands. The Lord Byron Resort is a short stroll from the regular shuttle buses to the event. See just some...

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Byron Bay Whale Watching Season

The Byron Bay whale watching season has begun! Byron Bay is the most Easterly point of Australia, hence being one of the best vantage points to see the majestic animals as they migrate along the coastline. If you would like the chance to get even closer...

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Byron Bay Markets

It is without a doubt that Byron Bay is home to some of the best markets in Australia! Apart from a regular monthly market on the first Sunday of each month at the Butler street reserve there are also the Artisan markets held every Saturday night...

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